Post 10148
Established June 05, 1960
Our MISSION is to:
Promote Patriotism. Honor Military Service. Ensure the Care of Veterans and their Families.
Serve our communities.
A legal disclaimer
The Minuteman VFW Post 10148 posts information on this website that is to the best of our knowledge. We make every effort to ensure accuracy but accept no responsibility for incorrect or dated information. Please contact the Webmaster immediately if you have or discover any issues.
Minuteman VFW Post 10148 values its users' privacy. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") will help you
understand how we collect and use personal information from those who visit our website or make use of our online facilities and services, and what we will and will not do with the information we collect. Our Policy has been designed and created to ensure those affiliated with Minuteman VFW Post 10148 of our commitment
and realization of our obligation not only to meet, but to exceed, most existing privacy standards.
We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy at any given time. If you want to make sure that you are up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to frequently visit this page. If at any point in time Minuteman VFW Post 10148 decides to make use of any personally identifiable information on file,
in a manner vastly different from that which was stated when this information was initially collected, the user or users shall be promptly notified by email. Users at that time shall have the option as to whether to permit
the use of their information in this separate manner.
Privacy Policy
This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for the Minuteman VFW Post 10148 Website. This privacy notice applies solely to information displayed or collected by this web site.
Links to Third-Party Websites:
This website contains links to other VFW websites or other third-party websites. The Minuteman VFW Post 10148 does not maintain these other websites and cannot control the information displayed or collected from those other websites. We provide the links to these other websites as a convenience only.
Information collected:
Our hosting platform [WIX]may collect some information including your IP address to determine geographical locations that currently visit our website. We do not collect from our website any personal information. We currently have information displayed on our website such as counters, Google analytics, email addresses, phone numbers and in some cases physical addresses. This information is solely for the purpose of communication between members of the VFW organization and will not be used for any type of marketing or advertising purposes; these items are included at the permission of the individual or company.
Please see the WIX privacy policy statements for further information.